Changes in the registration data of companies in Hong Kong from 150$.
Support of transactions for the transfer of shares of Hong Kong companies.
More than 150 completed orders to change the registration data of companies in Hong Kong.
More than 10 successfully implemented cases on the change of shareholders.
We carry out any changes in the registration data of companies in Hong Kong
in Hong Kong
The names of Chinese companies must contain traditional Chinese characters(繁體字), which can be found in the Kangxi Dictionary (康熙字典) or in Cihai Dictionary (辭海),and also in the international coding standard ISO 10646. Simplified Chinese characters are not accepted.
– this name appears in the List of Company Names maintained by the Registrar of Companies of Hong Kong
– according to the Companies Registry, the name contradicts the public interest.
– In addition, registration of some company names requires the approval of the Registrar. These include names that contain any words or expressions specified in the Companies Order (Words and expressions in Company Names) (Chapter 622A), and names that may give the impression that the company is in any way connected with the Government of China or the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
– In addition, a name identical to the name in respect of which a decision was made to change the name issued by the Registrar will not be registered, except with the consent of the Registrar.
legal address in Hong Kong
activities in Hong Kong or change of activities
As a rule, the date of the company’s first payment within the business activity (incoming or outgoing) is taken as the start date of the activity. There may also be a contract date or other relevant date.
In addition, all Hong Kong companies are required to notify of any change in the above business information within one month after the change.
In case of non-compliance with the requirement to notify the IRD about the start of the activity, the fine may amount to 5,000 HKD or imprisonment for up to 1 year.
Important: if the required data is not provided in the required volume and form, your application/notification will not be considered accepted.
The cost of the service 350$
in Hong Kong
of the current director of the company in Hong Kong
of the company in Hong Kong
After all other shareholders confirm their consent, you can start preparing documents for the transfer of shares.
Checking the register of participants and ensuring that the number of shareholders
does not exceed the limit of a private company.
The company can:
– Increase of the authorized capital without placement and issue of new shares, if funds or other property for increase are provided by the company’s participants.
– Capitalization of its profits with or without the allocation and issue of new shares, as well as
– To place and issue bonus shares with or without an increase in the authorized capital.
After the shareholders of the company confirm their consent at the general meeting, the company can start preparing documents for the issue of new shares.
Shareholders must decide whether to approve the issue of shares to new investors or existing ones. Such approval may be unconditional or depend on the conditions set out in the relevant contract.
According to the Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622), every company operating in Hong Kong is re-quired to appoint a corporate secretary. The corporate secretary ensures that the company adheres to statutory and regulatory requirements, maintains official records, and handles administrative tasks such as filing annual returns and other necessary documents. To find out more about the role of a Company Secretary, please, read our article.
Transferring shares and changing shareholders in a company is not just a formal procedure but an important process that can significantly impact both the ongoing operations and the development of the business. This is especially relevant for companies registered in Hong Kong, where the legal and tax aspects of share transfers have their own characteristics.
Like any other country, Hong Kong has a number of mandatory regulatory requirements that are necessary for the successful operation of your business.
1. Annual renewal of a company
2. Annual financial statement, audit and Profit Tax Return.
3. Filing reports on personnel.
We will consider the details in this article.